When in the spring for the first time put on your sandals notice many changes in the skin between the fingers, around the nails or the whole foot. For while their foot was warm and tucked in deep shoes, fungi have settled and caused a yeast infection.
The most common parasite that causes unpleasant symptoms candida, which causes most populous infection known as athlete's foot. The infection is mainly localized between the third and fourth, or fourth and fifth toes, but can be extended to the soles of the feet and nails:
-Athlete's foot is no longer a disease of athletes.Many children now suffer from these problems because the whole day is not out of the shoe, at school, in training, on playgrounds, and very often stay at the pool where most prey many parasites.
Fungal foot infection following itching, burning or tingling. Changes may look different. They appear the skin cracks, bubbles that burst, the skin becomes whitish and looks like it is cooked. Change always occurs on the soles of the feet. Sometimes the changes are in the middle part of the foot in the form of clustered bubbles. After bubbles burst there is flaking of the skin, and the infection never spread to the entire foot. Less commonly, a fungal infection occurs on the feet in the form of mutual desquamation. The skin is dry, thickened, reduced elasticity and on it the painful cracks. They are often infected nails.
Fungal diseases are likely those with tight toes. Airing fingers is weaker in winter, foot sweat, which is fertile ground for fungal colonization. In patients who have conditions such as abnormal blood count, cancer, or any chronic disease, fungal diseases are more a result of low immunity than a lack of proper hygiene. In diabetes, for example, the fungus can make a lot of trouble. Due to weakened circulation can get bacterial infections because the damaged parts of the skin are the free passage of infection.
Lubricating creams from home pharmacy will not solve the problem with the fungus, which is why we always advise seeing a dermatologist. He will prescribe appropriate treatment, antimycotic and antibacterial cream.
We strongly recommend Altsberglotion - Eczema and Pso Cream. Pure natural powerful formula. Read more...
Although there is a widespread view that the feet should be washed several times a day, these things will only get worse:
-Frequent washing remains more moisture to the skin, and fungi like bread in vacuum packed bags quickly multiply. Frequent washing can damage the protective layer of the skin, which in the case of this disease has affected. Our recommendation is that every night his feet sink into a solution of a teaspoon of baking soda and half a pint of water, because it was shown that soda kills candida.
A few hints:
- Feet well after washing and towel-dry hair dry a minute or two.
- Well, during the day a few times off your shoes and socks and keep your feet on the air.
- Wear only cotton socks.
- Avoid rubber or other shoes where the feet sweat.
- Footwear, especially sports, are often cleaned, dry and sprinkle antimycotic or neutral powder.
- Do not wear other people's shoes and socks.
- Do not walk barefoot in the pool, and similar wet places.
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